Listen to Jeff Tobler explain Eternal Life!

Eternal Life has been sought after for ages. But not everyone will enter. That’s why we’re so glad you chose to learn more about how YOU can receive the Lord TODAY, receive forgiveness of sins, become adopted into the family of God, and secure your place in Heaven for all eternity.

The eternal promise that possibly says it best is found in John’s letter to the believers mere decades after the Lord was crucified, died, and was resurrected to life.

John wrote:

“And this is the promise God has promised us, even ETERNAL LIFE!” (1 John 2:25 NKJV – emphasis mine)

This notion was not unique to the apostle John. After all, Jesus Christ, John’s teacher, spoke of this very thing at the heart of His message. Listen to this promise spoken by Jesus as recorded by John in his Gospel letter:

“For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life” (John 3:16 VOICE)

This news is only “good news” if you understand why everyone is facing everlasting destruction in the first place. Most people don’t even believe that God would eternally torment people in a righteous judgment, but this is what Jesus warned against in so much of His speaking. He spoke about hell and judgment more than love because He loved those He came to rescue. Jesus came precisely so that we could escape the judgment due our sins.

The good news is that no one has to end up in eternal torment. No, in fact, you can ensure that you end up in everlasting or eternal LIFE, where you will live forever more in the presence of Almighty God, in His approval and love. This is why Jesus was sent and why He had to die. His blood had to be poured out for our sins. Someone had to pay the price for our lawlessness against God’s will and His laws.

If you simply acknowledge your sins and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life, He will forgive you instantly and wash you of all filth and dirtiness of your old life! Not only that, but you will be adopted into the family of God. God will be your Father, and when you die, you will not need to fear death.

Ask the Lord to forgive you and begin to follow after Him by learning about Him. Go to our seedlings page to get started. And please let us know that you have committed your life to the Lord.

The Lord bless you!

Jeff Tobler