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Is Abortion Linked to a Higher Risk of Breast Cancer?

According to the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, women who chose to have induced abortions are at higher risk for breast cancer. 58 out of 74 worldwide studies have shown that abortion increases the risk that a woman will get breast cancer — up to 90% more likely. When God’s design is interrupted, there are consequences.

Why Does This Happen?

During pregnancy, the body produces increased amounts of estrogen. This causes cell production in the breasts. During a normal pregnancy, these cells would eventually differentiate into milk-producing tissue. These milk-producing cells stop multiplying and are a specific type of cell, which makes them resistant to cancer. However, when the pregnancy is terminated by induced abortion before the third trimester, these cells never differentiate, leaving them vulnerable to cancer.

But What About Miscarriage?

Studies show that miscarriage does not increase the risk of breast cancer. This is due to the fact that most miscarriages stem from a lack of estrogen. When the body is lacking estrogen, the undifferentiated, cancer-vulnerable cells will never be created.


Hormonal Change

During pregnancy, higher levels of estrogen cause cell production within the breasts.

Pregnancy is Terminated

These cells would have turned into milk-producing cells. However, after the abortion, these cells are undifferentiated.


These undifferentiated cells are now much more susceptible to cancer.