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2024 Voter’s Guide

By November 3, 2024February 7th, 2025Pro-Life
Reading Time: 5 minutes

How should a Christian vote in accordance with praying “Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!”?

(If you’d like to skip this introduction and scroll quickly to the Voter’s Guide, click here.)

The Bible, God’s Word, has much to say about how we should live, govern, and be governed. Whether to Israel or other pagan nations, God has not been silent. Do we want blessings or curses? Prosperity or Judgment? He instructs us to save, protect, and defend life, which boils down to voting ProLife, Pro Birth-Biology Sex Assignment (voting against promoting transgender policies/procedures), Pro 2nd Amendment — voting against any laws to restrict the ownership of guns (any guns) that a lawful citizen chooses to keep and use should the occasion arise — and Pro Fiscal Responsibility & Accountability. Each issue is further defined below. And the voting guide based on Biblical guidance, is at the bottom.


To be Pro-Life is to be in favor of protecting the lives of babies and protecting the reproductive health of women. God calls us to protect and preserve the life of the unborn and vulnerable. Elective abortion is horrific and against the will of God. Any country that willfully embraces and enshrines a law that allows for killing unborn babies in or outside of the womb is sure to face the judgment of God and will fall. But we can stand up against pro-abortion legislation, policies, and public opinion.

We can and should let our voices and our votes be recorded as having stood in the gap to protect the most vulnerable among us… the unborn, innocent babies, who have a body that is distinct from their mother’s. So while the mother has a right to her body, to make choices for her, the mother does not have a right to destroy the other body within her body. She is morally obligated to nurture, protect, and prosper the baby God has given her. Psalm 139:13-17 speaks volumes to God’s love and validation for the unborn babies.


God celebrates His established biologically binary choices of male and female. Transgender advocates seek to mutilate and permanently disfigure, sterilize, and emotionally damage impressionable children who were rightly created in the womb to be male or female. Biblically, naturally, and scientifically, there are only two sexes and two genders. It is binary. Anything more is perverting objective science and the clear record of God’s creation.

While adults may have the free will to disfigure their bodies and wholly reject how God created them, we as parents and as a society should be doing everything in our power to protect our children from being coerced into irreversible hormonal, physical, sexual, and emotional damage and destruction. To do anything else begs the question: where is the love of God in us? We love God and love our neighbors by protecting the vulnerable against irreparable harm.


While Christians are peace-seeking and peace-making people, we are also called to be fierce defenders against evil, including stopping evil people from harming innocent people. God calls on us to protect, not only our household, spouses, children and guests, but also our neighbors. If our God-given and Constitutional right to own and use guns and other weapons of means equal or greater in lethality and accuracy than the aggressors seeking us harm are taken away, it will be a) unconstitutional, b) against God’s commandments, and c) crime, lawlessness, and anarchy will continue to grow darker and more destructive.

Furthermore, the Constitutional right to bear arms and use them was not JUST for self-defense. It was and is as a protection against tyranny. Who wants to take away your guns? Those in power who want absolute power to do whatever they want to do when you — after removing your ability to defend yourself and your family — have no real power to fight back against evil.

Enemies can come from outside our borders, but they can also rise up from within our country. And it is the duty of not just Christians, but all American citizens, to be able to rise up against evil wherever and whenever it rises up against us! Nehemiah 4:13-14 is a good place to start reading about this protection.


Fiscal responsibility is also a Biblical issue. Money is a resource and gift from God. It can be used for good or for evil. It can be saved and used to better lives or wasted and stolen, ruining lives. God commands us to be wise stewards of our finances, not wasteful spenders drunk on power and corruption. The US spending must come under a budget that includes painful cuts in our budgets, cuts to funding of ungodly programs supporting abortion rights, transgender studies and programs, and giving aid to other countries when ours needs to balance its own books first. We are financially on a sinking ship. And taxing the people of the US will not fix the issue. Credit card balances are higher than they’ve ever been. Inflation is very high. Taxes and regulatory fees are costing individuals thousands to tens of thousands more a year than before. We are paying more for everything and getting further and further behind.

Under godly fiscal policies, we can: lift the tax burden from the American people, freeing them to use the money God gave them to do His work more abundantly, remove the regulatory shackles from the many small businesses that Americans own so they can grow and reinvest that money into the workers and community, and allow people to get out of debt and into strong financial positions with savings, investments, and higher income.

And with financial strength comes blessings of better lives, better security, better abilities to treat diseases and heal people, and, best of all, more money for families to have and raise spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy children, who are the blessings from the Lord and who are the hope of our country for the future!

In Deuteronomy 28 we have a choice: to be financially blessed or cursed by God. We can choose to honor God and see Him bless our personal, city, state, and national financial strength!

2024 Voter’s Guide on Biblical Issues

Some of these issues are specific to Missouri, the state in which we are located. But you can use this guidance to apply to your state and local election decisions.

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Jeff Tobler

Author Jeff Tobler

Jeff Tobler is the founder and director of Eternal Promises, joyfully proclaiming that Messiah, Jesus Christ, died for our sins, defeated death, and is now King and Lord over all.

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