Jeff Tobler
— Welcome —
Jeff Tobler
I want to welcome you to join us Sundays and Wednesdays at Eternal Promises Community Church, where we dive deep into God’s Word, Proclaim His Eternal Promises, and fellowship together as the body of Christ.
Sun 9:00am — 10:00am
Sun 10:00am — 11:30am
Wed 6:00pm — 7:00pm
1132 Hwy Tt, St Clair, MO 63077
Join us on Sundays with your young ones! All ages are welcome to join us for the main service and message, but we also offer KIDZONE! Children are taught in an environment conducive to them, while you can take time to focus on learning, and growing your walk deeper with the Lord.
We have security measures in place for safety
Download the Eternal Promises app today! Within the Eternal Promises app, take a look at the Eternal Promises Community Church section. You will find a prayer wall specific to the EPCC church, a members directory, meeting times, and much more!
We offer online access to our services! Use the Zoom app to watch live every Sunday and Wednesday.
To join live, you need an access code. Please contact us to request your code. Allow 1-2 days to process your request.